Unusual Pain After a Tooth Extraction? It Maybe an Infection

It’s not a secret that after a tooth extraction procedure we can experience some pain but, how do we differentiate between normal pain or a more serious infection?

Before we begin talking about tooth extraction infections, it’s important to emphasize that tooth extractions are a safe and straightforward procedure. Despite that, some complications can arise.

Even though infections and other complications are uncommon, you must be able to identify them, that way you can ask our dentist for more information.

Complications from tooth extraction.

A tooth extraction infection can appear in different forms and ways, however not all mouth or teeth pains after a tooth extraction is an infection.

It is important to pay attention to the symptoms, and ask a professional if needed.

Here are some complications regarding tooth extractions and their symptoms:

Dry Socket

This condition occurs when the blood clot, which normally appears in place of the extracted tooth, does not develop, moves or dissolves before the wound has healed, exposing the bone.

When the bone and some nerve endings in the mouth area are exposed, it causes pain whenever you speak or eat. Even while eating, your food might rub against the exposed area and cause a lot of pain.

Here are some symptoms

  • After tooth extraction, extreme pain can expand to the ears, neck, and other parts of the head.
  • Noticing an empty cavity inside of your mouth
  • Bad breath and taste in your mouth.

To manage the pain, it is recommended to follow your dentist’s instructions and use their medicine. 

If you continue to feel extreme discomfort or feel like it’s getting worse, you should ask your dentists right away.

Mouth Infection

On all dental procedures, there is a chance of bacteria entering your mouth causing a dental infection.

As we mentioned before, is normal that you experience pain in your mouth, however, it is cause for an alert that the pain lasts longer or worsens.

Some Symptoms are:

  • Bad breath
  • Sour or bitter taste
  • Fever
  • Sensibility to hot or cold
  • Swelling or tenderness in the gums, neck, or jaw.

If you identify these symptoms it’s necessary to go with your dentist so they can prescribe a treatment based on antibiotics.

Bone Infection

Bone infection is extremely uncommon, but if it does appear it must be treated as soon as possible, any bone infection left untreated can become critical fast.

This condition can occur in the mouth when the open wound created from an extraction becomes contaminated, and the infection spreads to the underlying bone. 

Here are some symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Swelling, tenderness, or pain.
  • Warmth or redness at the site.
  • Weight loss or tiredness.

If you feel any of these symptoms you must talk to your dentist so they can be treated before it gets worse.


The intensity and the actions taken to treat infection are on a case-by-case basis, depending on how critical is the problem at hand.

On many occasions the only thing you will need is to take antibiotics (provided by a professional doctor) however, in some cases it is necessary to intervene to drain and clean the infected area. 

Do you need a tooth extraction in Phoenix, AZ?

If you’re looking for tooth extraction but are worried about getting an infection, you can come to Somos Dental.

Our dentists comply with the strictest hygiene and health procedures, as well as personalized monitoring to avoid complications during or after the extraction.

You can call us or complete our online form to obtain a first diagnosis date for free. Also, you can find us at any of our six locations in Downtown Phoenix, Mesa, Camelback, Desert Sky Mall, Laveen, and Avondale.

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